Digital Camera Mounts:
Homemade out of Plastic-Tubes

Camera Mount Plastictube
(Screwed together)
picture a |

Camera Mount Plastictube
(Seperate Pieces) |

Camera Mount Plastictube
(Eyepiece in Tube)
picture c |

Camera Mount Plastictube
(Screwed together) |

Camera Mount Plastictube
(Mounted on Scope)
picture b |
Material needed:
One plastictube, one plywood board about 8mm thick, one Tripod-Photo-Screw. Total cost less than 10 US$. Depending on the Eyepiece
size and diameter select a plastic waterpipe where your eyepiece fits in tigthly.
The plastictube and the plywood you get from the market for building goods. The photoscrew you get either from an old
unusable tripod or buy a new one in the camera shop. When you buy the plastictube take your eyepiece with you to select the right
diameter size. Into the plywood you have to drill a little slot to give the camera space to sclide to the eyepiece. Position of slot
(middle, off middle) depends on your camera. On the front half of the board you connect the tube with strong adhesive tape and
plasticstripes to have a tight connection. Support the tube in the correct position with glueing little wood pieces left and right
of the tube.
How to connect:
First mount the eypiece into the tube (picture c), screw the camera to the profile (picture
a), slide the eyepiece
in the telescope and fix the eyepiece (picture b).
Homemade out of Alu-Profile:
Mount out of Aluprofile
Digital Camera commmercial mount:
Commercial made Mounts made by (Scopetronix)