Gallery: Planet Jupiter |
Planets Album
of Jupiters captured with different telescopes.
Camera used
was Philips Webcam Toucam 740K. No guiding. All images have been overworked with Adope Photoshop and Imageplus.
Stacking was done with Registax.
Sequence is date - latest images are on top.

505 frames stacked
C14, 2006-07-18 |

452 frames stacked
C14, 2006-07-06 |

300 frames stacked
C14, 2006-06-25 |

Io infront of Jupiter |

Io right outside jupiter |

Jupiter February 16th 2004 in Focus of C14 |
The next 3l Images below have been captured with Meade ETX125EC 5 inch Maksutov Reflector and
Philips Toucam 740K. |

Great red spot
24 images stacked |

Ganymed Trans
24 images stacked |

Ganymed Trans
2003-02-13 |
All Images below have been captured with Meade ETX125EC 5 inch Maksutov Reflector and Olympus 2020Z Digital Camera.
If not mentioned seperately, Eyepiece projection with 26mm Exepiece was done. No guiding. All images are single images.
No stacking has been done.

Jupiter 2000-12-03 |

Jupiter 2000-11-14

Jupiter 2000-11-14 |

Rotation of Jupiter 2000-11-02 |