March 27th to March 30th 2003 |
Astronomy Days of the BAA (Burgenländische Amateur Astronomen) from March
17th to March 21st at the Emberger Alm Carinthia

The Author |

Hotel Emberger Alm |

Me and my wife Francis

Emberger Alm
Group image |
This year again i organized a trip for the BAA (Burgenländische Amateur
Astronomers) to the Emberger Alm. We were accompanied by a team from the
university Vienna. These artist made a movie from our stay with focus on our
friend Herbert Csadek who is deaf but very active in astronomy and travelling. |
We arrived at noon and the weather was perfect. We were not really in a hurry to get the scopes built up but we wanted to have the scopes aligned before

Manfred Fischer und Equipment |

Telescope Galerie
After Dinner the sky became hazy. But after 1:00 AM in the night the sky became perfect. The best what i have seen as a result from this night was made by
Manfred Schwarz with his C14 and a SBIG ST10 CCD camera.
Here 2 examples:
A great
M51 imaged by Manfred Schwarz.
Supernova SN2003CG
This night i was very busy in testing my brandnew C14 and the Gemini41 mount. After 30 years of work with fork mounted telescopes i moved into the area of using a german mount which needs more experience. Late at 2:00 AM in the mornig i was ready for the first image series. Here some "first light" examples shot with the C14 and my Olympus 2020 Digital camera. Images consist out of only 16 Second exposures averaged with Imageplus:

M13 |

M82 |

NGC 3169 and
NGC 3166 with Supernova
SN2003CG |