Skywatch Deep Sky Night
Münchendorf 174m Sealevel
December 1st 2002
This evening i visited Karl Binder in Münchendorf and we planned to use the first hours after a long bad weather period for deep sky
photography. We started our imaging session with Karl`s LX200 12 inch SC telescope with testing the new F6.3 focal reducer which should allow improved visibility and imaging of Deep Sky
objects. We started with M15 but this objectiv was already way to far at the soutwestern horizon until we got the stars sharp focused in the Olympus Digital Camera. But than we tried a lot of imaging M36,37,52,31,34 with the Meade 40mm Wide Angle Eyepiece and finally H&Chi and M52 with the Scopetronix 40mm
Find below the images of H&Chi and M52. H&Chi really surprised me, as i could not imagine to get with the 12 inch scope with a focal length of 3000mm the clusters H&Chi completely on one single image. The F6.3 focal reducer together with a 40mm wide angle eyepiece made this
The GOTO Function of Karls LX200 worked perfectly this evening. Moving from one object to the next was so precise positioned on the
Camerachip, that we could start the next image without position corrections.
M36, 37, 34 and 31 turned out not to be good enough focused to be shown here.
I used for all shots the Olympus 2020Z digital camera with 16 Seconds exposure time at F2.0 with 400
H&Chi 2002-12-01 |

5 images 16 Seconds exposed
ASA400, F2.0 40mm Scopetronix Eyepiece, F6.3 Focal Reducer |

Single Image
(16 Second exposure) of H&Chi&Chi, all other data same as in left picture |

4 images, 16 Second exposed ASA400, F2.0 40mm Scopetronix Eyepiece, F6.3 Focal Reducer |

4 images,
16 Second exposed ASA400, F2.0 40mm Scopetronix Eyepiece, F6.3 Focal Reducer |