2006-01-29 and 2006-02-02 in
the Mountains of the Wechsel
(1000m above Sealevel) Austria
This 2 evenings Franz Gruber, Christof Angerer and i drove to the excellent place in the
mountains of the Wechsel, where the sky is superior.
We tried hard to do astrophotography. The weather was cold but excellent and the
view to the south was also perfect. Our target was IC2118 the witchhead nebula
and IC2177 the seagull nebula.
This place has
in the South, West and East absolutely NO lights, no
streets etc. Its simply dark.
The winter milkyway
is impressive there.
Franz Gruber and i used the Canon 300mm F2.8 telelens on my Canon
10D. The first evening guiding was done manually with an ETX 125 on an EQ-5, the
second evening we used the STV plus E-finder on the AP600 of Franz Gruber.
The first evening we had to stop imaging already at 23:00 as the
equipment got very much covered with ice and we could not remove the ice on
the optics anymore.
However, Franz and i at this point had already caught the Witchhead Nebula.
The second evening was again very clear but much more dry. So, no ice on the
equipment only the cold was hard (-12 Celsius).
Therefore all planned images
were shot and the view to milkyway above us was impressive. |
Images made during this evening
Our Astro-place,
View to the south shortly after sundown |

Setup of my 10D Camera and ETX for guiding on the EQ-5
mount |

Focusing with the Canon 10D DSLR is difficult

Konus Nebula
Starlight Color CCD
Takahashi Epsilon 160 F3.3
on Losmandy G11 guided with STV
4x15min RGB, 2x30min Ha
February 2nd 2006
Christof Angerer |

Orion Nebula
Starlight Color CCD
Takahashi Epsilon 160 F3.3
on Losmandy G11 guided with STV,
+6x10sec RGB + 2x20min Ha
February 2nd 2006
Christof Angerer
More Details about M42 (German) |

M81, M82, etc Galaxies
Starlight Color CCD
Takahashi Epsilon 160 F3.3
on Losmandy G11 guided with STV
4x10 min RGB
January 29th 2006
Christof Angerer

Horsehead Nebula
Starlight Color CCD
Takahashi Epsilon 160 F3.3
on Losmandy G11 guided with STV
6x10min RGB, 2x15min+1x20min Ha
January 29th 2006
Christof Angerer

Seagull Nebula
Starlight Color CCD
Takahashi Epsilon 160 F3.3
on Losmandy G11 guided with STV,
4x15min RGB +2x30min Ha
February 2nd 2006
Christof Angerer
More Details about IC2177 (German |